About Our School


The Montessori School at StarCreek is the premiere Montessori School in North Texas.

Our school has been educating the children of North Texas for over 3 decades.
Contact us today to learn about our school and how we can help your child.

The Montessori School at StarCreek

The Montessori School at StarCreek is one of the largest Montessori schools in North Texas at over 35,000 square feet.

Having this large of a campus allows us to spread out for enhanced safety protocols and utilize small class sizes to provide individual attention to each student. Students in our programs are excited to learn everything they can about the world around them. We believe that children are born to learn, but what they learn depends greatly on their teachers, experiences, and environments. We also have an extensive STEAM Enrichment program with a focus on Science, Music, Fine Arts, Technology, Spanish, and much more. Students develop independent thinking, resourceful problem solving, and a lifelong love of learning. They do so at their own pace and through dynamic academic experiences. 

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The Montessori Method

We are firmly committed to Maria Montessori’s approach to learning in our overall programs. The Montessori method nurtures in children a love of learning, problem-solving skills, and respect and consideration for others. The main objective of The Montessori School is to provide a carefully planned, stimulating environment which will help children develop within themselves the foundational habits, attitudes, skills, and ideas which are essential for a lifetime of creative thinking and learning.



Our Goal is to Help Develop Each Child’s Innate, Ultimate Potential Through High Self-Expectations


We strive to develop in your child:

  • A positive attitude toward school and learning

  • High self-esteem

  • Habits of concentration for lifelong study skills

  • An abiding curiosity

  • Initiative and persistence

  • Inner discipline and a sense of order

  • Sensory-motor skills in order to sharpen the ability to discriminate and judge

  • Socially acceptable behavior

  • Skills necessary for a lifetime of learning


We provide an individualized learning atmosphere that invites your child to get involved and mentally engaged. Our students get enthralled in discovery, and gain confidence from individual accomplishments – driven because he or she felt the need to understand and to conquer a problem. This is worth far more to a child’s self-image and development than simply responding to endless teacher direction.

Our school provides a carefully planned, stimulating environment which helps children develop within themselves the foundational habits, attitudes, skills, and ideas which are essential for a lifetime of creative thinking and learning.

Book a Tour

Book a tour for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year! We are excited to meet you and your child and show you our school.