Signature STEAM Programming


Additional programs are available to enhance your child’s education. These programs are offered as part of the school day, and are aimed at the development of the whole child. They supplement the academic environment and allow for a variety of activities to take place on a daily basis. 

The Montessori School at StarCreek student in a STEAM class learning about technology

Computer Instruction

Computer classes in our multimedia lab are offered for children in all primary and elementary classes. Computers are introduced with basic keyboarding and mouse skills, and expanded to all aspects of computer technology. The goal is to teach computer literacy skills which can be linked and applied to the Montessori curriculum. The use of the Internet in the Elementary classrooms and the computer technology lab is determined by the purpose of the project, the computer skills and the social maturity of the child.

The Montessori School at StarCreek child in the school garden

Outdoor Gardening

Gardening is an outdoor and indoor daily activity that encourages curiosity in children to discover and explore the world of botany.  Our school has an outdoor, organic garden, attached to the science lab, in which our students grow a variety of flora and fauna including vegetables that children use in creative cooking projects.  Children are introduced to topics such as trees and leaves, seeds and flowers.

The Montessori School at StarCreek student in music class

Music Instruction

Music instruction in our specially designed music room is an integral part of our day-to-day curriculum. Our students gain musical literacy through ongoing opportunities to listen, sing, compose, perform, and appreciate music. Young stars build self-confidence by being on stage at school performances throughout the year. We use specially designed Montessori bells and tone bars to help children develop skills in a series of steps, from auditory discrimination to musical notation and composition. This helps enhance the development of rhythm, coordination, tonal relationships, and harmony.

The Montessori School at StarCreek student in science class

Science Experimentation

Our students learn the wonders of science in a “hands on” specialized science laboratory. We emphasize the process and methods of science as well as the end result. Students conduct their own experiments in a supervised environment.  The science lab encourages a greater appreciation and understanding of science.

The Montessori School at StarCreek students in art class

Fine Arts Studio

Our "hands-on" Fine Arts program is process- rather than product-oriented, and is taught in conjunction with our regular classroom. We try to expose the children to as many of the artistic media as possible.  Painting, color mixing, collage, and printmaking are just some of the activities provided to show the care and use of art materials, to encourage creativity, and just to have fun! Children are also exposed to different artists and their works through our drama and art appreciation program.

The Montessori School at StarCreek student in cooking class


Our specially-designed learning kitchen allows students to have truly hands-on experience. Here they continue the learning that begins in the garden. Cooking encompasses a wide range of skills and concepts – math, physics, chemistry, tactile and sensory stimulation, and many more – and cooking can lead children of all ages to be more adventurous and nutritious eaters.

Book a Tour

Book a tour for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year! We are excited to meet you and your child and show you our school.